Pop and country singer Dan Seals, 61, lost his battle to cancer.
Still not buying the "reading for fun" thing, and would rather be on social networking sites for recreation than exercising your eyeballs more than necessary? Well, there are - believe it or not - spots like LibraryThing and Goodreads where you can build your online library.
LibraryThing is somewhat limited, but Goodreads allows you to create bookshelves. You can keep track of what you've read, are currently reading, and want to read. What's more, you can track your reading progress by page numbers.
So, if you want to take a break from Aristotle and "Dancing with the Stars," why not spend your cerebral downtime with Melville and the gang?
Or, you can just pretend to be a literati and add a bunch of books just to spite any of the top readers.